Love, Joy, Peace...
There is only ONE GOD who is above all, who created the heavens and the earth.
We believe in His SON, JESUS CHRIST, who was born of a virgin, raised in a carpenter's home, began His earthly ministry at the age of 30, taught truths, performed mighty miracles, died on a cross for our sins, and raised from the dead the third day.
Believing these things, we repent, are baptized in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins and receive the gift of the HOLY GHOST (Acts 2:38). This is being BORN AGAIN (John 3: 3-8).
Having been Born AGAIN, we grow according to God's Word.
We bring JESUS, who is our hope and truth, to a generation that is facing individual, family, community, national and world-wide perils.
We are preparing a people for the swiftly approaching return of our Savior, JESUS CHRIST.
Come, unite with the CHOSEN, BLESSED, FORGIVEN, and REDEEMED.
Wherever you are in life, JESUS IS YOUR ANSWER.
Our Mission
We seek to Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples in our community and in the world.
First United Pentecostal Church of Dalton, Inc.
Unidos Mejor
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