Pastor Russell Snyder
In 1970, Pastor Russell Snyder answered the call to preach the precious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ opening the doors to reaching, teaching and evangelizing hundreds of families. Initially he assisted Pastor Dalton Hammock in the Pentecostal Church of LaGrange, Georgia for five years. Following this season of his ministry, he evangelized in churches in Georgia, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio and North Carolina. In August 1977, he received further direction from God and accepted the call to pastor the First United Pentecostal Church of Dalton, Georgia where he ministers to the present time. In addition, Pastor Snyder has also filled many positions (youth, missions and leadership) in the Georgia District of the United Pentecostal Church.
Sister Gloria Snyder
Sister Gloria Snyder, with a heart and calling to ministry since August 1973 and a strong desire to work in the Kingdom of God has been involved in various ministries. They include home bible study groups, prayer groups, development and directing of puppet programs and an outreach to the elderly. One of her favorite endeavors was Children’s Ministry where she served as a teacher and, eventually Sunday School Director, since 1973. Currently, she is our adult Sunday School teacher.